Make connections
Our mission in providing classes is to make and mature followers of Jesus Christ through teaching, study, and fellowship. We offer an array in-person, online, and hybrid classes for adults, youth, and children.

(All Ages)
Agape Class – Perfect Person of God: A Study in Matthew's Gospel
Sundays at 9:15 AM
Room A | Ongoing
Join Pastor Zac as he continues his weekly Agape Bible Study. Contact Pastor Zac for more information.

(All Ages)
Care Share Grow - Women's Group Bible Study
Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
Parlor | Ongoing
The CHOSEN An Interactive Bible Study Guide Season 4: "God's Goodness for the Chosen"
We will be continuing our journey by watching the episodes, studying the lesson plans and scriptures, in addition to sharing and praying for each others' prayer needs. We will be using the study guide weekly.
Questions can be directed to Teri Watkins at

(All Ages)
Praise Class
Sundays 9:00-10:00 AM
Room D | Ongoing
"Wrestling with Doubt
- Finding Faith"
All are welcome to attend this study as we use this book written by Adam Hamilton.
Questions can be directed to Kathy Rice at

(Women of All Ages)
Grace Class
Sundays 9:15-10:15 AM
Parlor | Ongoing
Each Sunday we discuss the week’s reading from the ESV Daily Devotional New Testament and share insight God has revealed through his Word. Contact Susie
for more information.

Women's Person of Jesus
Tuesdays at 9:15 AM
Upstairs Youth Hall - Room 200
Come and join a group of people learning how to love people like Jesus in a complex world. Bring a friend.
Facilitated by Amanda Morgan
Person of Jesus Lunch Study
12:00 - 1:00 PM | Catapult Lakeland
Come and enjoy learning the particulars of the perfection of Jesus. Free lunch provided.
Contact Brian Morgan at for more information.

(Women of All Ages)
Women's Small Group Bible Studies
2nd Monday each month
6:30 PM | Parlor
We will be studying “Get Out of Your Head” by Jennie Allen. It is a video based study available on Right Now Media. Anyone is welcome to join.
Coordinators - Joyce Barclay
& Suzanne Wright
2nd Tuesday after 1st Monday each month
9:30 AM | Room D
Contact - Sherry Burnett

(All Ages)
Vision Bible Study
2nd Monday each month
10:00 am | Library
We will be doing an in-depth study of the apostles and watching the Ray Vander Lann video The Early Church. We will look at the locations God sent these men and what happened to them.
This class is open to men and women of all ages.
Coordinator - Marilyn Leonard

(All Ages)
"Get You Home Before Dark" Bible Study
Wednesdays at 4:00 PM
Conference Room | Zoom
The class, led by Dr. Paul Suich, is studying the book of Ecclesiastes. For more information, please contact or Paul at

(All Ages)
Endeavor Sunday School Class
Sundays at 9:15 AM
Room C
Endeavor is a discussion-oriented small group class. Everyone is welcome. Our current study is on Galatians. We are using the study guide Galatians For You by Timothy Keller.
Contact Dave Yrastorza at

Men's Group Bible Study
Wednesdays | 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Room D | Ongoing
This group is Bible based study of Jesus. Praying as a group of men that want to follow Jesus in our daily lives. Shared leadership provides varied teaching styles.
Facilitated by Ed Carley

(All Ages)
Wednesdays | 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Chapel | Ongoing
Spend time in prayer together. Let us pray for each other, the Church, and the world. Facilitated by Pastor John.

activity classes
Bone Builders
Every Tuesday & Thursday
10-11 am | Loudon Hall | Free
This is a low impact chair exercise class for those 50 years and older.
Contact: Sandie
Page Turners
Third Tuesday each Month
10 am | Parlor
This is a monthly book discussion.
Click for more info.
Chicks & Chocolate
Quarterly Meetings
This group of ladies anonymously meets the needs of others.
Contact: Gwynn Butterfield

healing & care
Celebrate Recovery
Dinner | 5:00 pm
followed by worship and small groups
Celebrate Recovery is a 12-step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain, or addiction of any kind.
Click for more information
Widow's Journey
Widows meet for encouragement and comfort.
Interested in connecting by volunteering?