
Updates from FPC

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Hurricane Updates

For the most current information about Hurricane Updates . . .


Stewardship 2025

This is the time of year when we begin to accept financial commitments from our church family. Commitments to giving allow us to budget for the year ahead as we prayerfully and diligently allocate resources to the work of this church.
In order to fulfill our mission and make a difference in the lives of others, your support is needed. We ask that you please make financial commitments by October 31.

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Costumes & Candy Event

Friday, October 25, 6-8 pm, FPC is hosting a FREE event open to the community! Families are invited for an evening of fun where kids can wear their favorite costumes and pick up candy as they travel down the line of festively decorated cars.

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2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off

Join us for the 2nd Annual FPC Chili Cook-Off on Sunday, November 17th at 4:30 pm in Loudon Hall!


Organ Rededication Festival Scheduled

FPC is holding a three day organ festival to celebrate the rededication of its Austin organ. All concerts are free and open to the public.

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Organ Rededication Festival

October 10 – 13 | Various Times
All events are free and open to the public. Find out more. . .

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FPC’s Church Center App

Introducing FPC’s Church Center app, a mobile app and website that allows you to access information and interact with your church. Find out more. . .

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Annual Faithful Fifties Banquet

Sunday, October 20 | Rooms A, B, & C
Immediately following the 10:30 worship service
Click for more info or to RSVP

Who We Are

The mission of First Presbyterian Church is to make and mature disciples for Jesus Christ.

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