Online Worship

This Sunday’s Classic Livestream – Sundays 8:15 AM

(The service will appear in the box below at 8:10 AM)

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(The service will appear in the box below at 10:25 am)

Roku and YouTube are the preferred methods of watching our live or on-demand services. Both can be easily accessed using a smart TV. Roku requires a one-time purchase of a Roku set-top device and YouTube requires a smart TV that has internet access. Another method for watching services is with your handheld, tablet, or laptop device connected to the First Presbyterian Church website, FPC Facebook, and YouTube channels

When searching on Roku, use "First Presbyterian Church" in the search menu. (Searching "FPC" will lead to old obsolete app.)

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Church Copyright License® 244281

 CCLI Streaming Plus License™CSPL105856

Archived sermons are also available for viewing.

Who We Are

The mission of First Presbyterian Church is to make and mature disciples for Jesus Christ.

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