we engage our creative instincts
Our mission in the Fine Arts Ministry is to make and mature followers of Jesus Christ through participation in fine arts.
The Bible begins with, “In the beginning, God created…”
Those who participate in our Fine Arts Ministry feel most “in tune” with God when we engage our creative instincts to enhance worship services, minister to our community, and provide meaningful artistic experiences for all members of our congregation.
Festival Ringers
Our handbell choir plays five to six octave compositions. We are always looking for new ringers, so if you read music and wish to learn handbell techniques, get in touch with us soon. This ensemble meets every Thursday at 7:00 PM.
Chancel Choir
For now, we are singing in quartets for our live service and the streamed service that is recorded each Thursday morning. If you love to sing in choirs, or if you think you might like to try it, contact us. New members are always welcome!
Kid’s Choir
We also have a choir experience for our elementary-aged children. This group meets each Wednesday night at 5:30 PM. Contact Emily Hammell, at kidschoir@fpclakeland.org.
Surrender Youth Worship Team
This group is designed for students 6th-12th grade to foster musical skills that will equip them to help lead in musical worship during Sunday and Wednesday night services. Contact Jennifer Voigt or Sam Carlton for more information. Contact Jennifer Voigt at jvoigt@fpclakeland.org or Sam Carlton at scarlton@fpclakeland.org.
Vine Band
Members of our congregation come together 2 to 3 times a year to form a worship choir in the modern service. If you are interested in being involved during those seasons, please contact Jennifer Voigt.
Celebrate Recovery Worship Team
If you are interested in serving on Celebrate Recovery Worship Team at 6 pm on Thursday nights, please contact Jennifer Voigt.
Technical Crews
We are always looking for individuals who would love to help run cameras, work on sound, and become involved in a host of additional production activities. Since we currently record two services each week, our tech teams can always benefit from new helpers willing to learn from our experienced leadership team. Contact Technical Director, David Bailey, at dbailey@fpclakeland.org if you would like to help.
Performing Arts Series
Calendar of Events
For the most up-to-date information about our upcoming events, please visit the link below
If you have a creative impulse and a personal desire to serve the Lord by giving your talents to the church, be in touch. We often need dancers, readers, actors, additional musicians, set builders, painters, and craftspeople. If you want to be involved, we’ll find a way to involve you. Your ideas and your passions have a place here at FPC.