Whether you are an older adult, parent of a child with special needs, or someone looking for classes in which you can grow in your faith, First Presbyterian Church has something for you. Opportunities abound at FPC for fun, fellowship and faith building.
Annual Faithful Fifties Banquet
Sunday, October 20 | Rooms A, B, & C
Immediately following the 10:30 worship service
Click for more info or to RSVP
Women’s Fall Brunch
October 5 | 11 am – 1 pm | Room A
Connect with women of all ages from our church, enjoy fall treats, and hear what God has planned for the future.
Festival Singers of Florida
Saturday, September 7 | 7 pm | Free and open to the community
FPC staff members Sam Carlton, Classic Worship Arts Director, and Emily Hammell, Children’s Choir Coordinator, are both members of Festival Singers.
Fall Prevention Presentation
Wednesday, September 25
10 am | Room A
by Dr. Tonya LaLonde, Doctor of Audiology at Central Florida Speech & Hearing
PageTurners Book Club
Tuesday, September 17 | 10 am | Parlor
Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
Click to find out this month’s book . . .
Sam Carlton Concert Kicks off Performing Arts Series
Our 2024-2025 Performing Arts Series begins with a concert by our very own Sam Carlton, Classic Worship Arts Director.
Homeschool Group Informational Meeting
Friday, August 16 | 10 – 11 am | FPC Library
The vision for this group is to create a group of mothers who feel supported during the journey of homeschooling and are given opportunities to serve the Lakeland community alongside their children while giving honor and glory to God.