Engage the mind, body, and spirit
Our mission in the Older Adults Ministry is to make and mature followers of Jesus Christ during the golden years.
Upcoming Events
Bone Builders Class
Tuesdays & Thursdays | 10 am | Loudon Hall
Bone Builders is a low-impact chair exercise program for those 55+. The class is free and open to everyone, so please invite your family and friends.
Spirit of Service (SOS)
February 14, 2025 | 10:00 am | Room A
(Second Fridays Oct - May)
RSVP for lunch ($10) by Jan. 5.
Game Day
Every Third Saturday of the Month (except December)
9:30 - 11:30 am | Youth Hall
Saturday, February 15
Saturday, March 15
Bring your favorite breakfast item or snack and gather for a fun time of food, fellowship, and table games.
Savannah Trip
February 17-20
Leave at 7:30 am
Cost is $509 per person, double occupancy. Includes: Bus, Hotel accommodations with breakfasts, Jekyll Island Trolley Tour, Step-on Tour in Savannah and St. Simons, River Boat Lunch Cruise, and Tour of Congregation Mickve Israel. Return about 7 pm on February 20. $100 deposit due November 15 to save your room. Final payment due January 12.
Community Senior Adult Health & Resource Fair
March 14
12:00-3:00 pm | Loudon Hall
All Ages Welcome!
All are welcome to this event. We will have over 50 exhibitors including invaluable information and resources, plus free chair massages, free health & wellness screenings, door prizes and much more.
Click here for more information.
Contact Sandie at sandie@fpclakeland.org for more information about any of these events.
Join Us
Programs and Studies
Please contact sandie@fpclakeland.org for class information or Zoom link to any of the below.

Spirit of Service meeting
Second Friday of the month
at 10 AM
(October - May)
Room A

Game Day
Third Saturday of the month
at 9:30 AM
Youth Hall

"Get You home before dark" bible study
at 4:00 pm
Conference Room & via Zoom
Groups & Events
The Older (50+) Adult Ministry at First Presbyterian Church provides programs and activities that engage the mind, body, and spirit. We offer weekly Bible Study/Small Groups, monthly luncheons, fun fellowship opportunities, trips, and educational programs, as well as an annual Community Senior Adult Health & Resource Fair. We invite all to join in any of our events. You do not have to be a member to participate.
Spirit of Service (SOS) Program
These monthly programs are held on the second Friday of each month from October through May. These programs consist of a devotion, time for singing, special speaker/entertainment, fellowship, and lunch. Lunch is $10. RSVP for lunch by calling the church office at 863-686-7187 or emailing Sandie@fpclakeland.org by the Wednesday before the meeting. Please call the church office if you are in need of this transportation.
Game Day
Game Day takes place the third Saturday of each month (except December) from 9:30-11:30 AM in the Youth Hall. Participants are invited to bring a favorite snack or breakfast food to share and to join in fun fellowship and a variety of table games.
Monthly Day Trips
Trips are scheduled throughout the year and have included outings to museums, gardens, places of interest, plays, and sporting events.
Annual Big Trip
This is a fun three- to four-day trip offered each year. Previous trips have included St. Augustine, Fort Myers/Sarasota, Savannah, Pensacola, Charleston, and Nashville.
Big Band to Rock 'N Roll
This evening is a fun time to get together before the summer to enjoy a nice meal, reminisce, sing, and dance.
Health & Wellness & Educational Programs
Offerings cover a variety of subjects that address topics such as balance, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, identity theft, and more.
Community Senior Adult Health & Resource Fair
This annual community event takes place the second Friday in March. The next fair will be March 14, 2025 from noon to 3 pm.
Bone Builders Class
This class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 am in Loudon Hall. It is a low-impact chair exercise program for those 55+. The class is free and open to everyone, so please invite your family and friends.
Caroling to Homebound Members
Multigenerational groups go caroling in December to facilities and individual residences of homebound members of our congregation.
Participation in Home Instead’s “Be a Santa to a Senior” Program
Church members provide three gifts each to local seniors who would not otherwise have gifts for Christmas.