On October 3, we will be participating in World Communion Sunday, a celebration that promotes Christian unity and is observed the first Sunday of every October.
If you will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper at home, in preparation, please gather bread of some kind as well as juice or wine. Put the bread and cups in a central place where you gather. During the livestream service, you will be instructed on how to serve your family communion.
Special Offering – CWS Blankets
In affiliation with observance of World Communion Sunday, we will take a special offering for blankets and kits (hygiene, school, emergency cleanup) provided by Church World Service (CWS), a cooperative Christian ministry providing sustainable self-help, development, disaster relief, and refugee assistance around the world. You may give online or through a check to First Presbyterian Church with “CWS Blankets” written on the memo line. Checks can be mailed to the church or shared during the offering on Sunday.