Are you looking to volunteer locally? We have many opportunities for you to get involved in helping our community. First Presbyterian Church is proud to partner with many local nonprofits, and we’d love to help you get started.
Contact Nancy Bertram for more information.
church: 686-7187 x248 | cell: 660-7150
Beth-El Farmworkers Ministry – Wimauma
Packing rice and beans
Monday mornings | 9-11 am
Distributing food
Tuesdays | 2-6 pm
Called to Serve Farmworkers – Mulberry
Distributing food
First Wednesday of each month | 9 am
Packing weekend food for school children
Two Sundays per month | 9-10 am
Helping with Lakeland food distribution
Second and last Tues every month | shifts from 10 am – 2:30pm
Parker Street Ministries
Tutoring with after-school program
Weekdays after school | 4:15-5:45 pm
Laundry Love
Volunteers are needed the last Friday of every month from 9-11 am at the laundromat on Ariana.