Pedal Power Update
Last year was a record year of bicycle donations for Pedal Power. During those 12 months, 383 bicycles were donated to more than 35 agencies and more than 100 individuals.
We are blessed with bicycle donations, an air-conditioned church workspace, office support, and financial support from many church members and individuals. We appreciate all those who volunteer in the workshop, including church members and students from Florida Southern College and Southeastern University. Thanks also goes to Saddle Creek Logistics, Marriott Corporation, and the local bicycle shops that are part of our network.
We are also thankful for the encouragement and prayers from church members and community organizations.
The blessings just keep coming as we just received a donation of 180 beach bicycles from Marriott Vacations as part of their beach bike rental program in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Saddle Creek Logistics graciously agreed to pick up and transport all 180 bikes from Hilton Head Island to First Presbyterian Church at no charge.
Thank you to all who continue to support Pedal Power, where we provide free bicycles for children and adults who are in need or have fallen on hard times. For more information or to volunteer at Pedal Power, please contact Ted Hogan at thogan6@tampabay.rr.com.