FPC Offers Osteoporosis Prevention Class for Seniors

First Presbyterian Church (FPC) offers an array of groups and classes for the enrichment of the congregation and community. One of these groups, Bone Builders, is led by Kathy Shufflebarger, a recent recipient of RSVP Polk’s Outstanding Volunteer Award.
Shufflebarger leads the Bone Builders class at FPC on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 a.m. Both church members and community members are invited to participate. The class has no fees or cost associated with it.
According to Shufflebarger, Bone Builders was designed with older adults (55 years and older) in mind. Tufts University designed the class, focusing on strength, flexibility, and balance. The class provides osteoporosis prevention by way of stronger bones and reduced fall risks.
Osteoporosis occurs when the creation of new bone does not keep up with the removal of old bone. Bone is living tissue that is constantly being broken down and replaced. Bones lose their density and the risk of fractures increases.
“These things allow us to keep our best foot forward, literally and figuratively,” Shufflebarger says. “It involves both sitting and standing exercises, though the whole program can be done from a chair with modifications.”
“We encourage people to start where they are at,” she continues. “Build up, go at your own pace. Take your time with it.”
She explains that Bone Builders is not a rehab program. “If someone has a special condition, they need to seek out something else. This is not a substitute for a medical follow-up.”
Shufflebarger is a retired physical therapist and registered yoga teacher.
The program started with six attendees and has grown to approximately 20 in each class. “I am thrilled people are finding value and community in it,” she says.
Anyone interested in attending Bone Builders may simply attend on Tuesday or Thursday mornings at 10 a.m. For more information, contact Sandie at: sandie@fpclakeland.org.