Welcome Back Pool Party
Wednesday, August 9
5-8 pm | Offsite
Surrender will be kicking off the year with a welcome back pool party! Join for food, pool fun and games. For all 6th–12th graders. Contact Josh or Anna for the address.
Anna Butler abutler@fpclakeland.org or Josh Schewitzer jschweitzer@fpclakeland.org
6th Grade Parent Meeting
Sunday, August 13
9:15 am | Second Floor Youth Hall
We will be having a 6th grade parent meeting to welcome the students and parents into our youth ministry. Join us to ask any questions and see what our group is all about!
Kick Off to the School Year
Wednesday, August 16
6-8 pm | Youth Hall
We will have dinner, games, worship, a message, and small groups. All 6th-12th graders are welcome to join us in the youth hall!