Rev. Dr. Greg Ogden Visit

Saturday, June 4 – Seminar

Sunday, June 5 – Preaching all services

The Rev. Dr. Greg Ogden, author of Discipleship Essentials, is coming to FPC. Dr. Ogden is the author of six books, held the position of the Director of Doctor Ministry Program at Fuller Theological Seminary and Associate Professor of Lay Equipping and Discipleship. Dr. Ogden served for 24 years in pastoral ministry and is currently a principal partner of Global Discipleship Initiative (GDI). GDI trains, coaches, and inspires pastors and Christian leaders to establish indigenous, multiplying, disciplemaking networks, both nationally and internationally.

Saturday Seminar | 9am – 3pm
Lunch and childcare provided. RSVP to Anna Mayes by May 26.

Sunday Worship | all three services
No RSVP is required for worship.

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