Whether you are an older adult, parent of a child with special needs, or someone looking for classes in which you can grow in your faith, First Presbyterian Church has something for you. Opportunities abound at FPC for fun, fellowship and faith building.
Medieval Times OAM Fieldtrip
July 9th | OAM Fieldtrip | 3 pm departure from church | $65 (due by June 23)
Enjoy a 4-course meal while watching a 2-hour show reminiscent of medieval days. Click for more details.
Endeavor Sunday School Class
Sundays | 9:15 am | Room E
Join us for a new study on the Gospel of John.
VBS 2024
June 17-21 | 9 am – 12 pm
For all kids 4 years old to those who have completed 5th grade. Registration opens March 1. Register by June 12.
June Food Drive
During the month of June, we will be collecting non-perishable food items to help fill the pantries of several local non-profits. Please place your goods in the bins in the lobby.
Lightshine Car Wash
Sunday, May 5 | After Sunday services on the front steps
Help the Lightshine youth choir raise money for our upcoming trip to the Montreat Worship and Music Conference in June.
Tour of Gospel, Inc.
Thursday, May 16 | Meet at church at 9:45 am
Gospel, Inc. is a Christ-centered community providing a home and micro-enterprise work opportunity to the formerly homeless at Gospel Village.